In the Era of Giants," a dominion of twelve Giants and their tethered beasts reigned supreme over humanity. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power, they unleashed their might upon the world, plunging "Noah" into a maelstrom of chaos and shadows...
The Goddess of War, Veda Astrea, has crossed the sea of stars, and resides above all other deities. She descended from the heavens, breaking the chains that bound the Humans to the Giants and Beasts that ruled the world. In doing so, she expended her powers, leaving fragments of herself before she disappeared.
From these fragments, the 12 Masters of the Book were born. "From Veda Astraea, the world as we know it came to be.”
As a result of the "Mad King's" ruthless reign, the continent is once more shrouded in death and agony... Amidst the darkness that has descended, a new "Master of the Book" emerges, following the wings of Veda.